Fluff Pieces

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Ocean Theme: Round 2 (18 months old)

This is actually our second attempt at an ocean theme. Our first was at 16 months old, and it was a bit of a flop - I’ll own that. I put out a bunch of books, sure, but I hadn’t ordered figurines yet, I didn’t have enough fine motor manipulatives, and some of the books were a little too text heavy for a 16 month old. As a result, we read Shark Bite about 500 times with Baby Beluga here and there for good measure.

This time, things are much better. He’s started to show an interest in identifying colors, so I’m really leaning into that this unit. I’ll post a link to all the DIYs at the end of this post when it’s ready.

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Books are the anchor of this themed unit.


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Thankfully there are an abundance of ocean themed books for little ones! There’s a great mix of cartoonish books along with books with photographs or realistic illustrations. Here’s what we used for this unit:

Fine Motor

I whipped up this color matching fine motor activity in an evening from a flap from an Amazon box, a toilet paper roll, a paper towel roll, some construction paper, and some leftover felt from other projects. It’s a little challenging for him with just one layer of felt per fish, so I’m thinking about sewing two layers together to make them a little easier to pick up.


Toddlers absorb language like little sponges, so it’s important to be thoughtful about this category. I’ve found that my Little Guy learns so much more when he has figurines to hold and identify. These Wild Republic Aquatic figurines are fantastic. We name them, we talk about the different parts (fin, body, etc.), and any time one of them appears in a book, he runs to the shelf to grab the corresponding figurine.


Since he’s started to show an interest in colors, we’re really leaning into this. He says “blue,” “pink,” and “yellow,” but not always in response to the correct color. We’ve got three activities and two books to support this skill: the DIY fish color matching game, a Melissa and Doug fish chunky puzzle, some plastic stacking/nesting cups, Brown Bear, Brown Bear, and Colors/Les Colours to support his French language development.

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